• Category Archives Classes
  • These posts pertain to my classes

  • Home Again….

    Back on my way to Portland. It’s been a lovely trip but it’s always nice to come home. Not that I get to rest; next Monday, March 10, I am presenting a program at the Northwest Quilter’s meeting on quilts made from Taupe fabrics – plenty of eye candy.

    The following Saturday, I am giving a workshop on Animal Totems – creating a totem quilt with Seminole Piecing and reverse applique. The workshop is full (with a waiting list) but take heart, I will be offering this class at local quilt shops.

    There will be a variety of totems – a salmon, a jaguar, wolf, lizard, bear, rabbit, crow… and others as well. See some pictures of finished samples below.

    Salmon Totem #2
    Jaguar Totem
    Salmon Totem # 1

  • What a week!

    I’ve heard it said “Time flies whether you are having fun or not – so you may as well be having fun.” We sure had fun and the week flew by. Before we realized it, the week was over. My students all graduated with A+ and don’t they look wonderful posed next to their quilts in progress?

    My assistant Susie with the two(!) quilts she made in the class

    Susie with the TWO quilts she made

    Barbara with her ‘Haiku’ stork quilt

    Barbara with her ‘Haiku’ stork quilt

    Alli with her Santa Cruz coast quilt

    Alli with her Santa Cruz coast quilt

    Kelly and Sharon and their lakeside quilts

    Kelly and Sharon and their lakeside quilts

    Happy friends have to say “goodbye” for now

    Happy friends have to say “goodbye” for now