Have you ever paused to consider color? Not just see and accept its presence but really contemplate what color is and how and why we can see it.
Color is a science – color is light and light is energy; color is what is known as the ‘visible part of the spectrum that includes microwaves, radio and television broadcast waves and at the other end of the scale X-rays and gamma rays… it’s all energy. Being a science, color has predictable behavior and once you understand it, you can harness it and make it do your bidding.
If you have ever bought fabrics in colors you loved but then were disappointed in the quilt you made, if you are fine when selecting colors that match those in a pattern but cringe at the thought of changing the color scheme; if you have ever dismissed a pattern you had no interest in making only to love it when you saw it made by someone else or if you just
feel overwhelmed when you walk into a quilt shop… Boy have I got a class for you!
In my Color Theory class I will offer a series of exercises that will demonstrate attributes of color such as value, proportion saturation and simultaneous/successive contrast. With a good understanding of how color works, you can use color to create wonderful effects in your quilts. Let’s face it, fabric is just too expensive these days to make a quilt and then be disappointed in it.
The assignments in this class are carried out by cutting and pasting fabric onto paper, there is no sewing required and no need to drag a heavy machine to class. You will start by building a color wheel out of pre-selected fabrics to serve as a reference tool then carry out a series of assignments, each created to illustrate a particular aspect of working with color. By the end of the class you will have a collection of worksheets that can be assembled in a binder to use as a reference for future projects. In addition to the assignments to illustrate the behavioral properties of color, you will also learn a variety of methods to compose fabulous color schemes and how you can manipulate color and value shifts to create quilts that glow.Come and spend a day getting to know color better so you can tame it and work on your projects with confidence.
Where: Sharon’s Attic Quilt Shop, 2950 SW Cornelius Pass Rd #100, Hillsboro, OR 97123, (503) 259-3475
When: Saturday April 22, 2017 10am – 4pm
Cost: $40 for the class and an additional $35 for the kit and assignment packet.