Oregon Coastal Quilters May 2015

Home from the coast and I miss it already. I was born with salt water in my veins and a trip to the seashore replenishes my soul.

Siltcoos Lake
Siltcoos Lake

When that trip can be combined with a teaching opportunity – so much the better. Last week I spent several days at the Oregon coast, staying with a friend in a lakeside cabin in Florence and then commuting up to Newport on a couple of days for a lecture and workshop.

To the right is the lovely view from my friend’s living room window, imagine waking up to this every morning.

Seascape quilt by student Jean A.
Seascape quilt by student Jean A.

The turnout at the Oregon Coastal Quilters’ meeting for my lecture on Asian fabrics was excellent, several members commented to me that the meeting was more crowded than usual. This is the second time I’ve lectured and taught for this lovely group of ladies (and gentlemen too!). It’s been several years since I was last there teaching a Landscape Quilting class and that program and class went well too. To the right is a picture of a gorgeous seascape quilt one of those students made back then and graciously shared with me on this trip. I’m guessing that as they invited me back, I must have made them happy the first time.

This time around, the workshop was on my Animal Totems and the workshop filled to capacity. The students were enthusiastic and the projects they created quite impressive. Most of the time, students in this class start with a simple Seminole band pattern I recommend as it is one of the easier ones to piece, but a couple of students in this workshop forged ahead and tried other patterns or modified the one I suggested. This did not surprise me as the last time I taught for them, I was impressed by their quick creativity. Below are posted a few pictures of the workshop and one of me lecturing and showing my Asian fabric samples.

Asian Fabric Lecture
Animal Totems workshop
Animal Totems workshop (samples on wall are mine)
Animal Totems workshop
Animal Totems workshop
Seminole pieced strip
Seminole Turtle Totem in progress
Deservedly proud students show their work. Way to go ladies!!!

A successful, satisfying class and trip in my opinion, hopefully in the students’ as well. During my trunk show, several students commented favorably about a Garden Windows quilt sample I brought to show and expressed a desire to take that class. I do hope this means I may again visit the Oregon Coastal Quilters at a future date to teach and lecture again.



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